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Americana / Folk / Roots / Singer-Songwriter & Country

BERITH is inspired by both her native Norwegian roots, and those of Celtic and American traditions. She is living with her partner and two children, where her family of sailors, fishermen and farmers has lived for houndreds of years; just about as far out into the North Sea one can get without a boat.  

With her acoustic guitar and melodeon, Berith has been travelling the fjords and weather beaten west coast of Norway since her teens. But only recently has she decided to take a step further, and has partnered with the fine group of musicians that now make up her band.  After catching the ear of the Norwegian music producer and writer  Eirik Grønner, they have moved forward to record and release an albums worth of material on his new label Demningen  ("the dam")  

The BAND: Dag Atle Håland: El & Acoustic guitars, harmonica and backing vocals - Lars Hammersland:  Hammond organ, keys & melodica - Håkon Askeland: banjo and mandolins - Svein Henning Berstad: bass and backing vocals - Einar Olsson: drums and percussion.

 T  R  A  C  K  S  :

"DEAR OCEAN" is BERITH's  final pre-album single -  It is a heartfelt tribute to the ocean of her island as she grew up, and all of the worlds oceans. The song has a Celtic vibe, filled with longing and hope.

Credits: Written by Eirik Grønner & Berith. Produced by Eirik Grønner @ Demningen Studio

" RIGHT KIND" Is about grown up love and relationships. No illusions left about the other saving or fixing you. The higher goal is freedom in companionship, to build new trust, heal scars and live in peace with flaws and shortcomings. The greater plan stands! - Do we need to waste it over small frustrations and projections ?

Credits: Written by Berith & Eirik Grønner - Produced by Eirik Grønner @ Demningen Studio

"LIFT ME UP"  - Groovy and meditative verses flow into choruses that soar with gospel-like background vocals and catchy mandolin & guitar pop-patterns. It is a tribute to those things that can lift us and get us into the spirit of youth; where dreams have no limits. It is a tribute to nature, music, people and places that mean a lot to us   - Credits: Written by Berith & Eirik Grønner - Produced by Eirik Grønner @ Demningen Studio

"GIVE ME NOTHING TO DO"  - A soft call for a change in a stressful life. Sparse instrumentation, harmonies and intimate sound. It's about taking a break, learning to say "No", and becoming friends with Time again.    Credits: - Credits: Written by Dag Atle Håland, Eirik Grønner & Berith  - Produced by Eirik Grønner @ Demningen Studio

"FAR AWAY"  - About Norwegians migrating a few generations ago, mostly to the US. It tells something about what made them do it, and how now many decendants abroad are wondering how life was back in the the old North. Although a joyful track, lyrics may have a reflection of what can be seen in todays world of people fleeing and migrating.  

- Credits: Written by Berith & Eirik Grønner * Produced by Eirik Grønner @ Demningen Studio

"YOU COULD BE MINE"  - is a song about a longing and having so much to give, but not that special one to give it to. A wish to make a difference in the world, through the loving care of a child.      Credits: Written by Berith & Eirik Grønner - Produced by Eirik Grønner @ Demningen Studio

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